- David George Brooke -
That Gratitude Guy
Speaker - Teacher - Author - Storyteller
David George Brooke – That Gratitude Guy, has been a speaker, coach, and best-selling author for over 25 years. He is a former Nordstrom store manager and managed in the corporate world for over 30 years.
His published works include “That Gratitude Guy’s Daily Gratitude Journal”, “Monday Morning Minutes: 100 Messages of Gratitude”, “Six-Word Lessons to Embrace Gratitude” and a number of other books on gratitude.
Because of his passion for illustrating the wonders of a gratitude mindset, he has presented over 850 speeches & workshops in the past 9 years, including over 150 Zoom presentations in the last 18 months.
He was recently featured in FORBES and COSTCO CONNECTION magazines, and travels nationally and internationally to deliver this important message.
As a YouTube Influencer David has over 1800 gratitude videos on YouTube, as thousands have seen his message, and he is now considered a leading authority on how living a life of gratitude can enhance and improve your life both personally and professionally.
He resides in Renton, Washington.
My Story: How I Became “That Gratitude Guy”
My entire life has been one of overcoming tragedies and traumas. What had been a relatively idyllic childhood, started to unravel at the age of 16 when my parents got divorced and I was forced to testify against my father. My mother had struggled with depression and was diagnosed as having a manic-depressive disorder.
My father committed suicide, my mother died of cancer, and I lost many other family members and friends. I unfortunately inherited some of my mother’s manic-depressive disorder and have continually struggled to manage my state.
On September 29, 1998, my wife Dana, died of a prescription pill overdose at the age of 38 years old. I found her on the floor early that morning. My son Connor was four and my older son Kyle was 14.
I had watched Dana struggle over the past four years with three trips to rehab, countless relapses, and a trip to jail for prescription fraud. Prior to her death, she drained our entire savings account to pay for her addiction.
Later that day, I came to understand very clearly why people commit suicide. I decided right then, I never would. Connor and Kyle had already lost one parent. I needed to raise them.
In the aftermath of her death, I was forced to close my business and we lost our home to foreclosure. I had no money and was close to a bankruptcy. Most days I could only manage to stare at the ceiling. That lasted for the better part of 2 years. My support group, that I attended weekly, helped a great deal. But I still needed something to help me.
After jumping from one job to another, I slowly started to rebuild my life. I took additional jobs and spent very little. Connor and I lived in a small apartment and shared the one bedroom.
So, I decided in December 2013, to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a motivational speaker, teacher, and coach. I discovered the amazing power of gratitude. I proceeded to find out everything about this powerful mindset, and how it could transform your life.
I wrote several books and published “That Gratitude Guy’s Daily Gratitude Journal.” That journal and an understanding of the immense power of embracing gratitude, lead me to become a speaker and teacher.
I have never looked back and feel so blessed to hear every week how much I have changed someone’s life. Always follow your passion, and it will most likely become your purpose in life.

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White Water Rafter
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Best Selling Author
National Champion
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Champion Go-Kart Driver
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Drag Racer
Bungee Jumper
Hot Air Balloonist
Hang Glider
Newspaper Cover Model
Magazine Cover Model
Corporate Training Videos