The Struggle Ends When Gratitude Begins
At different points in life, we will all experience struggles. I think that the life cycle is like a roller coaster with various ups and downs.
It’s like someone once told me about selling, don’t get too high on the good days, and don’t get too low on the bad days.
One of the ways to really combat the struggle, the low days if you will, is to use gratitude to blunt its impact. By being grateful, and focusing on all you have the negativity seems to be rendered less painful.
A gratitude journal is such a great way to fight off the negative gamma rays of life. It’s never going to perfect, or 100%, so use that journal to remind you everyday of your blessings and abundance.
If you write in your gratitude journal consistently, you will notice that the struggle will end, when gratitude begins.
I’m That Gratitude Guy, Remember….Be Grateful & Never Quit!