As we navigate the complexities of life, it is essential to find tools and mindsets that promote overall wellbeing, one of which is cultivating a gratitude mindset. […]
As we navigate the complexities of life, it is essential to find tools and mindsets that promote overall wellbeing, one of which is cultivating a gratitude mindset. […]
Depression, anxiety, and despair are more than mere words; they are debilitating psychological conditions that affect millions of people globally. These invisible ailments take a massive toll […]
We have heard the reason that right now is called the present is because it is a present to you. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to […]
Now is a great time to evaluate how we are handling things in our life. I recently had a friend say that there are no bad days, […]
When I was growing up, the word Shut Up was absolutely not allowed in our home. Frankly, I think there were other curse words that were not […]
I spent a number of years working for Nordstrom. I started at the bottom like everyone did, and got promoted up to store manager and in fact […]
If I had a dime for every time that I heard that saying as a kid!! NEVER discuss sex religion and politics. Now I’ve never really figured […]
They say that this is the information age, but it does feel like we are drowning in information and getting starved for knowledge. It’s similar with gratitude. […]
Relentless……… defined as showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, and not yielding in determination. Patience……. Defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, […]
One of the definitions from for the word sacrifice says: To forfeit one thing for another thing of greater value. It made me think about what […]