One of the definitions from for the word sacrifice says: To forfeit one thing for another thing of greater value.
It made me think about what I had sacrificed to pursue my dream of spreading the word about the incredible power of embracing gratitude, and becoming That Gratitude Guy.
I didn’t really think about it as a sacrifice, however I have noticed that I have forfeited a lot of things along the way in pursuit of my goal. The reason is, I have an incredible passion for explaining what living a life of gratitude can do for people, especially for people that struggle, or are looking for a healthy coping mechanism.
Recently, in talks I have given, I have mentioned that somewhere in your life; find what you are passionate about. You may have to make sacrifices, but by pursuing your dream and making some sacrifices to get there, you will live more fully than a lot of people do.
I am so grateful that I ultimately found something that I was this passionate about after 40 years of wondering what it would be. I always wondered what I was going to be when I grew up…..
Really embrace gratitude and a gratitude journal to direct you to YOUR passion, and maybe even your destiny.
Now, The Gratitude Question of the Day… What are you willing to sacrifice to pursue a passion that you have had during your life?
Lastly, thank you for watching my videos, and to get immediate updates, please subscribe to my channel by clicking on the subscribe button in the lower right hand corner, and to purchase a gratitude journal for you or a friend, just click on the Amazon link below. I’m That Gratitude Guy, and remember….Be Grateful & Never Quit