Spatially Oblivious
Recently I was at a Starbucks to get a latte. As I proceeded to the condiment stand, I couldn’t help but notice that a gentlemen was standing in front of the stand in such a way that I couldn’t even reach for a napkin. It was amazing how he was just plain dominating the entire space in front of the condiments.
Just then a Starbucks employee comes over and saves the day for me. I mentioned how I thought that was kind of rude, and the Starbucks employee says we have a name for those customers……They are “Spatially Oblivious” I started laughing because he was right on the money. I said, I have to do a video about that.
So what does being “spatially oblivious” have to do with being grateful?
Well it reminded me how a lot of people seem to be oblivious to all that they have in their life. It is so easy to get in our own little world, have our own pity party and just flat become oblivious to all of the wonderful things that we have in our life.
Whether it is cell phones, or any other handheld device, that is distracting us, maybe it’s time to step back and ask yourself….Have I become Spatially Oblivious?
Now the gratitude tip of the day……. Take a moment today to think about something that you might be oblivious to, and then think about how grateful you are for your blessings and abundance……..